Keep Spooky, Keep Safe! ðŸ‘ŧ

The spooky season is an exciting time for many – just make sure that you keep a look out for hazards and the blood stays fake!

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  • Keep Spooky & Safe

If you and your kids are planning a party, or a Trick or Treat trip around the neighbourhood, here are some safety tips to keep in mind...

ðŸĶ‡ Plan costumes that are bright and reflective. Walking about at night it’s easy to blend into the background, especially if you are dressed as a bat – which is a hazard when you are crossing roads.  Consider adding reflective tape or bright colours to your costumes and trick-or-treat bags for greater visibility.

ðŸ”Ĩ Look for "flame resistant" on any of your costume labels. Wigs and accessories should also clearly indicate this.

🧙‍♀ïļ Hats should fit properly to prevent them from sliding over eyes and blocking vision.

🎃 Never allow small children to carve pumpkins. They can, however, go to town on the design, drawing on the scariest face they can muster onto the pumpkin with markers.  Then it can be your challenge as the parent to carve it!  For the best control while carving, it is recommended that adults use a small pumpkin saw in small strokes, directing the blade away from themselves and others. Advice warns against using larger blades, which can become lodged in the pumpkin and cause injuries when pulled out.

ðŸ•Ŋ Consider using a flashlight or glow stick instead of a candle to light your pumpkin. If you do want to use a candle, a votive candle is safest – and never leave it burning and unattended.

ðŸŠĶ If you have lawn decorations make sure they are well lit so that visitors can spot them easily and not trip over them.  It’s fun to have headstones and bones in your garden to set the scene, but make sure the main pathways are clear of trip-hazards.

🍂 Sweep any wet, fallen leaves from your pathways, pavements and steps to prevent anyone from slipping on them in the dark.

🐚 Keep pets inside, safe and cosy – with more visitors at the house than usual they may get anxious and move erratically, causing them to get under foot and trip visitors.  Also, with firework use being likely over this period, keeping pets inside will also reduce their stress over noise levels.

What No Safety provides advice, support and services to assist you with Risk Assessments, Inspections and more – get in touch to see how we can help:  |  01722 326 390  |